Monday, April 15, 2013

Once And Future Stanley

As promised (for those paying attention or even care), here are some short excerpts from my most current work.  Just enough to give you a little flavor of the story, without giving it all away. 

I was going to do a much shorter (and more impactful, in my opinion) sampling, but after the events in Boston today, I didn't think the timing would have been so good on my part.  So you get this.

If you like it, say so.  If you don't, you can tell me that too--I've worked retail & sales for over 20 years--I can take it.  All I ask is that you be respectful either way.

And, K~
If you're reading this--I've tried to keep my mind off of today's date, but it didn't work....  Just so you know.

Once and Future Stanley
*****The excerpts from this story have been removed in order to qualify for publishing the full story....*****

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