You know how they say that about the only thing less interesting to discuss with other people besides the weather is one of your dreams? I'm gonna step all over that social boundary with this one, just because it got me thinking about a question I wanted to pose to the occasional reader.
I dreamt that I'd walked into my old job, about 12 years ago. The catch is that I knew that my mind wasn't from the past; everything that has happened in the last twelve years, everything I know now, I was aware of. It was like my present-day mind had traveled back in time to my 28 year-old body. In this dream, I walked past a friend at work, and he asked me if I shouldn't have more gray hair (I started going gray in my 20's, but it's gotten exponentially more so in the last two years). He was the only other one besides myself to realize that I wasn't in my current time, and it validated my dream-self that I really had time-traveled in thought.
So I spent the rest of the dream weirded out by the idea of reliving the next twelve years again, and trying to figure out how to do it while fixing or avoiding the mistakes I've made in that time, while making sure I didn't f*ck up the good stuff in the process.
And then I get to thinking that it would be really handy if I could remember what teams had won some of the major sports events in the last (next??) twelve years so I could make bets on them and not have to worry about money anymore. You know, like Biff Tannen did in Back to the Future II with Gray's Sports Almanac, (without creating a dystopian future in the process). But I'm not a sports guy--I don't remember who won the Super Bowl or World Series in 2013, let alone anything further back. It was pretty frustrating, for a dream (I did come to the conclusion that I needed to invest in Starbucks, Apple, and Google, maybe create Facebook--that stuff I do know about).
So here's the question--and you can answer on here or FB if you want, or you can just ponder it in the car or while you're on the toilet after a night of particularly spicy Thai food.
If you found yourself back in time, with all of the knowledge that you have now, and could change one, single thing--what would it be, and why?
Speaking for myself, I don't have an answer to my own question, but I think I have a couple of ideas.